Ho! for Saturday

Just for one of my fellow bloggers, Saturday is looking good!

Saturday is looking good!

Saturday is looking good!

I have spent the past 2 1/2 hours going through my reader, writing an email, planning what I have to do.

Now, at 9:00 a.m., it’s time to spring into action. Make breakfast, do the housework, bake a loaf of bread, mow the lawns (note how scraggy they are in the photo), have afternoon tea with relatives, and dinner with friends.

Maybe late tonight, check back in to the blogosphere and catch up on more emails (220 unread from the past 3-4 days!)

Wherever you are, whatever the time:

Live, laugh, love!

3 responses to “Ho! for Saturday

  1. Now THAT is a Saturday!
    Reading that made me really happy for you. And the bread…!

    • Yep! I often get stuck in and clean. If you ever get to this neck of the woods, I’ll make you a loaf of my special bread – focaccia type. Any family/framily gathering, I get asked to make a loaf. (oops, brekkie over, time to throw myself into the tasks!) 😀

      • 😀 Wow!! 🙂 🙂
        Ooh, do tell us more of your Saturday when you can! Like a follow-up?! 🙂 love to know how the bread goes

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